"Salesforce approvals are great and easy to configure, but…"

"We want to run approvals in parallel, so they’re done faster"

"My users want to see upfront which approvals will be triggered"

"We want to trigger our approvals based on child records, e.g. quote lineitems"

"While a record is pending an approval, my users want to see who still needs to approve, and in which order"

"And.. while we’re at it.. we also want"

To base our approvals on external tables, e.g. discount level matrices per article or product category

to define delegates based on rules, so that 1 team member can take over 1 part of the work, and another team member the other part.

the full approval (and rejection) history to be available in custom objects so that we can build reports and KPI on it

to edit records while they are in an approval process, and then the remaining approval process should be reconsidered after the edit